Entries featuring this icon involve proof or strong suspicion of coverage motivated by direct or indirect benefits bestowed on the writer or outlet from the subject.
Most corruption emblems will be given for coverage of a subject with financial ties to the writer, or for situations where an outlet is proven or strongly suspected of taking a stance detrimental to its consumers to favor its subjects or advertisers. A good example of a corruption-related scandal is DoritosGate, but this emblem might be given to people who directly attack their audience as well, when this is suspected to be an attempt to ingratiate a sponsor or other party.
Supporting or being supported by one's subject on Patreon without disclosure always gets a filing, while Kickstarter contributions or other crowdfounding issues are evaluated on a by-case basis and filed only when they don't appear to treated as a pre-order by the journalist.
May rarely be used as "catch all" category when nothing else properly fits — this, of course, being referred to uncertain internal classification within DeepFreeze, and not arbitrary insertion of material that would otherwise not fit the site's guidelines.